Could the Covid-19 Vaccine Be The Best News of 2020?

Could the Covid-19 Vaccine Be The Best News of 2020?

Last week has saw some exciting and eagerly awaited good news with the announcement of several Covid-19 vaccine now on the horizon.

With final testing and registration in progress, there is still plenty to organise in order for this to be rolled out far and wide as a mass vaccination programme.  The process for this vaccine vary significantly to the one already in place for the yearly influenza vaccine for several reasons.  Firstly, with storage requirements of the undiluted Covid-19 vaccine being at -70oC, there are obvious planning and potential distribution issues that will need to be considered way before the mustering of healthcare professionals to administer en mass.

So too is the necessity to balance every-day care requirements and staffing levels whilst also trying to address a nation’s need for protection during usually the busiest time of year for healthcare professionals with normal seasonal demands.  There are other hurdles to overcome too; with the need to understand and target mis-information to ensure that each recipient is able to make a well-informed decisions about the benefits that this vaccine can bring collectively, while also segmenting the nation in order to protect our most vulnerable and key workers as a first port of call.  

Whilst others will need wait patiently to receive it, we must stand strong together and observe the ‘Hands, Face, Space’ rules.  

While there is still clearly much to be done to bring this to fruition, we think we can safely say that this a hugely positive step forward, and one which has possibly brought about the first positive piece of news in relation to Covid-19 since it hit the news.