It has long been theorised that the communities of bacteria living in our gut are able to exert a powerful influence over our mood and mental wellbeing. ... Read full article
Have you ever had a friend or family member recommended a supplement to you, telling you they’ve experienced amazing results from it? Then next time you’re at the supermarket, you remember their recommendation and pop a bottle in your trolley.... Read full article
Many of us have heard of whole food plant-based diets, but what do they actually involve and can they really give us a truly balanced nutritional intake?... Read full article
You may have heard about CBD (Cannabidiol) but perhaps aren’t sure of what it is, where it comes from or what it can be used for. There are also lots of misconceptions when it comes to CBD and myths associated with it.... Read full article
A new survey conducted by the British Nutrition Foundation has found that four in 10 British adults finish everything on their plates even if they are already feeling full.... Read full article
Scientists from Stanford University School of Medicine in California and the Buck Institute for Research on Aging have developed an inflammatory aging clock, which can predict an individual’s likelihood of incurring age-associated diseases... Read full article
Nearly half of UK adults could have an unhealthy relationship with food, with younger generations being most unhappy with their eating habits according to new research carried out by the not-for-profit healthcare provider, Benenden Health.... Read full article
According to a recent survey, around one in 10 adults in the UK are unable to identify pictures of some of the most common vegetables, such as kale or asparagus.... Read full article
Every building block that makes up our body relies on water ( and the elements contained in water like sodium , chloride and magnesium) so we owe it to our body to replenish it with water.... Read full article
In this edition of the HealthHubble Podcast we introduce Olivia Palmer who is an Accredited Nutritionist and Psychologist who both owns her own practice The Nutrition Activist whilst also working for Second Nature who are endorsed by the NHS.... Read full article