Orthopaedic Surgeons

Find and contact local practitioners within our Orthopaedics category. Whether you are interested in orthopaedic sports medicine or looking for a clinic that can help you with a knee injury or hip pain from arthritis, we have doctors that can help.




Showing 10 of 74 results
Somerset Surgical Services
Location: Weston General Hospital, Grange Road, Uphill, Weston-Super-Mare, Somerset BS23 4TQ, England
Somerset Surgical Services offer an extensive range of high-quality health care services to NHS patients. The range of consultants working with SSS allows us to provide both general and specialist care from Orthopaedic to Oral-maxillofacial surgery.
M K Orthopaedics in Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire | HealthHubble
Location: Saxon Clinic, Chadwick Drive, Eaglestone West, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK6 5LR, England
Knee Surgery Clinic In Manchester
Location: The Spire Manchester Hospital, 170 Barlow Moor Road, Didsbury, Manchester, Greater Manchester M20 2AF, England
Berkshire Hip Clinic in Slough Berkshire | HealthHubble
Location: Spire Thames Valley Hospital, Wexham Street, Wexham, Slough, Berkshire SL3 6NH, England
Schoen Clinic Orthopaedic and Spinal Hospital London in London
Chelsea Shoulder Clinic
David Gordon Foot & Ankle Surgeon in Harpenden Hertfordshire
City Back Pain Clinic
Dr Ito Clinic
Professor Roger Emery - King Edward Vii Hospital in London
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